Check out how the FishSimple tool works....(Take a look at the video)

Fish Simple
The FishSimple®Bait Tool & Fast tracked postage FREE

We understand some people will want the security and speed of amazon - so we have added the tool at the same price to Amazon prime. You can order from us with total confidence or from Amazon if you prefer - Thank you.

Good Grip Handle
The dual purpose bracket handle gives you a good grip and keeps the juices in the bait & not on you. The Nylon & A.B.S design means the bait slides off effortlessly and works much better than metals in cold winter conditions. Oh - and It floats too Just in case 🛥️ 🚣

Simple Process
Manufactured in the UK on the rugged coast of North Wales. The FishSimple™ tool helps you quickly build tasty baits of any size for Bass, Cod, Tope, Rays, Conger & Smoothies etc. We hope you spend less time baiting up, and more time watching your rod tip...🦈 😁

Practical Uses
The Handle / Bracket pops open and allows you to fix to a base of your choice. This has endless practical uses and has been the main reason this tool has seen so much positive feedback from online customers and shops. We are developing an update that allows two baits to be made at the same time. TIP - Make baits at home and freeze, they defrost in seconds in sea water, less mess for you.

Handy Retractable
Choose the retractable accessory and keep the tool on you by the waters edge - great for making up fresh baits as you go. The retractable key ring has been tried and tested and is fully salt water resistant and will stand the test of time and multiple sessions in harsh conditions.

Big Baits = ??
That old chestnut, do big baits catch bigger fish . All we can tell you is the cocktail baits we make at home and then freeze for the next session, work a treat for Bass and Cod all year round in the local River Conwy, and North Wales Coast line.